从来没有,无聊的,时候 |Never,Boring,Time
展览:复星艺术中心 天台艺术计 从来没有无聊的时候
开幕时间:2022/08/18 16:00-19:00开幕表演:17:30
展览时间:08/19-10/16 2022
As the fourth program of ART IN ELEVATION in Fosun Foundation, artist Liu Yi presents Never, Boring, Time, including a variety of sculptures, installations, performance art originated from the Mobile Phone Painting series. Fingers magnified by the shiny digital blue color, are wandering and dancing beneath the skylines of the Bund. The artist therefore enjoys the switchover among the multiverses, the echos of digital works and tangible sculptures, the conversation of city architecture and public art that enhance each other’s beauty. This is not only a piece of art made by the artist, but a collaborated creation of the clouds, the sky, the light, the terrace, the water view and the audience .
开幕表演: 2022/08/18 17:30