电子内啡肽丨Digital Endorphin ——刘毅手机绘画个展


展览:电子内啡肽丨Digital Endorphin ——刘毅手机绘画个展










从2015年4月至今,刘毅每天都用手指在手机屏幕上进行绘画。起初他把他每天画的手机绘画分享在朋友圈后,我会对他画产生好奇, 猜想他今天画的是什么?明天他的生活又发生了什么?渐渐地,越来多的朋友和我一样喜爱上他的手机绘画,并且有人为了看他每天一幅的绘画申请加入他的朋友圈。


Since April 2015, artist Liu Yi has been painting with his fingers on mobile phone screen every day. I first came across Liu Yi’s cell phone drawings when he started sharing these works on his Wechat Moments. I was curious, often guessing what he would draw each day; what would happen in his life the next day. Gradually, more people fell in love with Liu Yi’s cell phone painting, and people started applying to become friends with him online, so they could see his new mobile phone drawings every day.

Speaking as a Generation Y, we are affected by what we’ve been through in life, and we’re more likely to be moved by “sincere and non-authoritative” images than paintings that are of advanced & complex technicality. Although we would interpret Liu Yi’s mobile phone paintings in different ways, there are also shared emotions. From Liu Yi’s cell phone drawing, you can sense happiness, and even finding ways of healing.

forward by 策展人 Curator / Green

