彩光塔 — 补丁计划 Colored Light Tower — The Patch Plan
尺 寸:56 x 56 x 203 cm
材 料:老式实木家具, 富美家®高级装饰耐火板 —— 醋栗紫 6903,茴香 8200,艳蓝 2828,海绿 8336,紫罗兰 6907,加勒比海蓝 4127,活跃绿 6901,茄红 2824,铬黄 1485,莱姆 4177,水果红 0232,希腊天蓝 3300,瓜肉色 8013,石南花 0233,浅青水晶 0433,芥末 5341,典雅胡桃木 9001NT
Formica® High Pressure Laminate – Cassis 6903, Paprika 8200, Tropical Blue 2828,Marina 8336, Amarena 6907, Caribbean Blue 4127, Vibrant Green 6901,Blaze Red 2824, Chrome Yellow 1485, Lime 4177, Juicy Pink 0232, Grecian Blue 3300,Fiesta 8013, Heather 0233, Aquamarina 0433, Wasabi 5341, Noce Orvieto 9001NT
介绍:在老上海有许许多多关于Art deco的故事.这是一件30年代上海Art deco风格的老式衣架.保留局部的细节设计与塔状的建筑设计感以及老木头上一些值得回忆的烙印. 有时代感的彩色的光条,穿梭在这座柱子的周围,形成彩光塔.,并赋予当代视觉语意。
Shanghai has many of the old story about the Art deco. This is a 30 years old Shanghai Art deco-style hangers. Keep the details of the local design and a sense of the architectural design of tower and some old wood memorable mark. There sense of the times of light colored bar, the shuttle around in this column, the formation of IPL tower., and to give the contemporary visual semantics.
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